Thursday, December 29, 2005

An Inauspicious Beginning

All I meant to do was sign up for a user name so I could post on my friends' blogs more easily. Really. And then the sign-in wizard asked me, like some minimum-wage earning fast food register jockey offering me fries, "Would you like a blog with that?" What was I supposed to do, click No? Who could turn down a deal this sweet? Besides, I've got stuff to say. Big stuff. Important stuff. Stuff that's going to get me Slashdotted and Dugg. Just you wait. Next time you try to read someone's blog and the whole of Blogspot is shut down, that's just me and my big important things getting read by the entire Internet. So stick around and wait for it. Any day now, I am going to start having profound thoughts and posting them here for the entire world to read and marvel at. But first, I need to go post a comment on another blog. Ever been to New Prussia?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog attempt brought to you by the designer of
A webpage that has not changed, evolved, or had anything done to it since it's conception several years ago.
With that stirling record of "intent without completion" before us, you know you can look forward to many, or some, or maybe a few, but probably NO posts in the future.


Still the initial one was funny. Just wish we had any hope of seeing more (sigh)

12/30/2005 12:04 PM  
Blogger Anonymous Nerd said...

True, Rhino, true. I can easily see North's blog becoming all encompasing and as it's conscitiousness evolves and grows it becomes something like Hal-9000 in 2001 and takes over everything. Only to, at the peak of it's power, but shut down by some little register jockey who hits the wrong key on his new online register. Your existance is then reduced to Marvin on Hitchhikers guide.

2/22/2006 7:53 PM  

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